The most important tool for emergency preparedness is a Disaster Supply Kit. Below are some of the basic items to have in the kit. Store the items in a water-resistant container and replenish as necessary. Check and replenish as necessary the out-dated items
2 week supply of prescription medicines
2 week supply of non-perishable/special dietary foods
Drinking water: 3 gal/per person/per day for 2 weeks
Flashlights and batteries for each member of the family
Portable radio and batteries (7 sets)
First aid book and kit
non-aspirin pain reliever
anti-diarrhea medication
Mosquito repellent and citronella candles
2 coolers (one for food and the other for ice)
Plastic tarp for roof/window repair, screening, tools, nails
Water purification kit (tablets, plain chlorine and iodine)