The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life, because it is Jesus wholly present: body, blood, soul and divinity. The Eucharist is also a sacrifice because it makes Jesus’ unique sacrifice on the cross present to us. At every Mass Jesus unites our sufferings, prayer, and work with the total gift of himself to the Father. In Holy Communion we take Jesus into our bodies under the appearance of bread and wine, but he transforms us into himself.
Strengthen your faith in the Real Presence through a NEW video series on FORMED.
Renew your understanding of Christ's gift of himself through the Blessed Sacrament when you watch Jesus and the Eucharist. The Augustine Institute and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops created this seven-episode series as part of the Eucharistic Revival.
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We invite you every First Saturday to celebrate the Novus Ordo Mass in Latin at St. Peter Catholic Church. For more information, please call the Rectory Office at 985.892.2422
"The Use of Latin in the Roman Rite: 1st Saturday Morning Mass" - a letter from Fr. Daniel Brouillette
St. Peter Parish conducts three annual Eucharistic Processions:
For the latest information about these Processions, please visit the Eucharistic Processions page.
Click for more information on Sacramental Preparation
Click for more information on the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children
Click for more information on OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, formerly known as RCIA), the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
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