The St. Peter Garden Apostolate welcomes participation from individuals, families, youth groups and students in need of service hours—no green thumbs necessary. Our common interest is to use God’s gift of nature to beautify the landscape of our church campus. There’s no need to be a formal member of the St. Peter Garden Apostolate to assist on a workday or adopt a garden.
Community work days are in the spring, the fall, and as needed for special projects. Specific days and times will be posted in the bulletin and on the website.
If you or your group would like to adopt a garden, we’ll find an area that’s a good match for you. Or just join us on a work day.
To learn more about the St. Peter Garden Apostolate or to be added to the email list to receive up to date information, contact Christine Stellingworth at 504.237.1039 or [email protected].