“We also believe, and so we also speak…”
-2 Corinthians 4:13
“I eagerly attended each week’s RCIA classes and somewhere along the process, SOMETHING began to change in me. SOMETHING was giving me a peace I hadn’t FELT before. SOMETHING gave me the desire to pray the rosary. I began to realize that the SOMETHING was the Holy Spirit calling me. It was then that I opened my heart and got off the fence where I had been sitting for 20 years.”
“Throughout my life and to this day, I have always believed that although we may not know in advance, God has a plan for all of us. Part of His plan was for me to become Catholic. I am so thankful that I listened.”
“To become Catholic was big for me. I was a little afraid to start but after the first gathering my fear went away. I am looking forward to being Catholic for the rest of my life.”
“My RCIA story does not consist of some huge miraculous events that changed my life overnight. No, it was small steps week after week.”
“When I received the Body and Blood of Christ for the first time as an adult in my fifties, I felt God’s glory and grace come over me and suddenly I realized that God has been there for me my whole life.”
“The RCIA classes were taught with no animosity towards my previous faith in which I was raised. I am very thankful for that and one of the reasons I felt free to become Catholic.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed my RCIA gatherings. I felt right at home and never felt a bit uncomfortable. The catechists taught us about the true meaning of the sacraments, church history, and why we should pray. I felt like they lit a fire within me.”
“Thank you for allowing my family into yours here at St. Peter Parish.”
“The beautiful part of the RCIA process is that it allows you to slow down, to quiet down, to clear away the hassle and the hustle of the day’s chaos and allow the presence of God to come closer.”
“The RCIA helps you to understand that God is there FOR you and WITH you and to feel it deep in your soul that you do not face your life’s journey alone, regardless of how easy or hard that journey is for you.”
“The RCIA helped me to realize that if I simply open up and be vulnerably to God, that the love He has for me will flow into my heart and into my life and affect me so powerfully that no matter what I face in life I know that I will face it together with my Lord.”
“I would like to thank everyone at St. Peter Catholic Church, my RCIA sponsor, my Confirmation sponsor and most of all Jesus Christ for bringing me closer to Him and His glory.”
“I met a lot of great people in the RCIA and in a very short time we became family.”