In response to the Gospel of Life, we commit ourselves to prayer, education, and action in defense of life. It is our mission to foster in our parish community an awareness of the dignity and sanctity of all human life, from conception to natural death. We are dedicated to observing and promoting the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church on all life issues, including abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, assisted suicide, and stem cell research.
A great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer which will rise up throughout the world. Through special initiatives and in daily prayer, may an impassioned plea rise to God, the Creator and lover of life, from every Christian community,
from every group and association, from every family and from the heart of every believer.”
– Pope John Paul II, The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae), n. 100
Pray, especially during Respect Life Month, for the protection of human life, from conception to natural death. Each day of the novena features a different pro-life prayer intention, accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life.
Walking with Moms in Need is a nationwide, parish-based initiative to increase support for pregnant and parenting mothers in need. It works to ensure that any woman who finds herself unexpectedly pregnant, or parenting in difficult circumstances, can turn to her local Catholic Church and be connected with the resources she needs. Volunteers walk with moms throughout the motherhood journey, offering them authentic Christian friendship and ongoing support.
For more information about how St. Peter Parish is joining this nationwide effort, click HERE.
O Blessed Mother, you received the good news of the Incarnation of Christ, your Son, with faith and trust. Grant your protection to all pregnant mothers facing difficulties. Guide us as we strive to make our parish communities places of welcome and assistance for mothers in need. Help us become instruments of God's love and compassion. Mary, Mother of the Church, graciously help us build a culture of life and a civilization of love, together with all people of good will, to the praise and glory of God, the Creator and lover of life. Amen.
2258 "Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains for ever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end. God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end: no one can under any circumstance claim for himself the right directly to destroy an innocent human being."56
Read HERE an important letter from Archbishop Aymond, dated May 7, 2022, about how the Archdiocese of New Orleans stands with open arms to mothers in crisis pregnancies.
Interested in joining our apostolate? Email [email protected] for more information.
Join hundreds of pro-lifers in this peaceful and prayerful protest against abortion!
If you feel someone is the victim of human trafficking, call 1 (888) 373-7888. It is the National Human Trafficking Resource Center. It offers 24-hour help seven days a week. The line offers help in English, Spanish and 200 other languages.